Adding Google Tracking

#Development#Web Dev
Post image related to Adding Google Tracking

Adding Google tracking to my Gatsby site so I can see how many hits, bounces I get, as well as traffic in general.

Learning Kubernetes

Post image related to Learning Kubernetes

Learning how to use Kubenetes in an environment between "Local testing" and "Full server deployments".

Managing a Team Remotely

Post image related to Managing a Team Remotely

With working remotely being a necessity at the moment, my thoughts on managing a team of developers with no physicality.

Being a Developer

Post image related to Being a Developer

My thoughts on being a "developer", being a "programmer" and the differences between them.

New Portfolio!

#Development#Web Dev
Post image related to New Portfolio!

My experience creating a new portfolio website using GatsbyJS. From cleaning up and modifying a template, adding extra components and styling, I've logged each part of building up this site as I've done it. Making note of any problems and how I solved them.